Friday, June 12, 2009

Final Youth Event Before Summer

We only have one youth night left before summer break!

This month’s youth event will be an overnight “lock-in”. The event will be held at Oak Park Church of Christ (11263 Oakfield Drive S.W.) and will be June 19-20 from 8 pm until 8 am. We will be playing wide games, video games, watching movies, having devotionals and having a late night pizza party. Tolan and I have held youth lock-ins before and have had a blast every time. It will be a great opportunity for all of us to hang out and get to know one another better.
The doors of the church will be locked over night, so we will be safe and sound. We will have a designated place for boys and a designated place for girls for sleeping. Parents are welcome to come and hang out, either for the whole night or for part of it.
Please bring a sleeping bag, a pillow, whatever toiletries you will need for the night (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.), and appropriate hang out clothes (pjs will be allowed as long as they are appropriate for mixed company). Feel free to bring games and/or movies but please label them so that we will be able to ensure their safe return.
Inviting friends is not only welcome but encouraged! Please let me know if you will be coming so that we can ensure that we have enough snacks for everyone.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Jennifer Allen (Chapman)

(403) 921-8500